Sunday, October 10, 2021

Afirmacije dok spavate za novac, uspeh i prosperitet

San i mozdani talasi

Evo sta kaze wikipedia o spavanju i snu:

Spavanje je prirodno, periodično i fizioloÅ”ki reverzibilno stanje umanjene budnosti, koje karakteriÅ”u smanjena percepcija i reagovanje na spoljaÅ”nje draži. Ono je praćeno kompleksnim bihevioralnim (hrkanje, mrmljanje, okretanje u krevetu itd.) i bioloÅ”kim procesima (izmena srčane frekvencijedisanja, lučenja hormona itd.). Može se definisati i kao nesvesno stanje iz koga se osoba može probuditi senzornim ili drugim dražima, i u tom smislu se razlikuje od kome, koja je takođe nesvesno stanje, ali se iz nje na ovaj način ne može probuditi. 

San je veoma bitan za život. UnutraÅ”nji sat smeÅ”ten u suprahijazmaskim jezgrima hipotalamusa odgovoran je za njegovo javljanje u pravilnim intervalima. San obuhvata 2 faze:

  • laki san, od oko 90 minuta (koji se i sam sastoji iz 4 stadijma), kada je moždana aktivnost slabog intenziteta;
  • duboki san, od oko 20 minuta, koji se karakteriÅ”e brzim pokretima očiju, za koje vreme se emituje većina snova.

Obe vrste sna se ponavljaju se 4-5 puta tokom noći i ispoljavaju se karakterističnim električnim promenama na elektroencafologramu. Funkcija snova je joÅ” uvek nedovoljno poznata, ali bi stanje dubokg sna moglo imati važnu ulogu u procesu učenja i pamćenja.

Vrste moždanih talasa

Gama talasi - 30 do 80 Hz

Postoje i gama-talasi, frekvencije od 30 do 80 Hz, koji su povezani sa viÅ”im mentalnim funkcijama, objedinjavanjem informacija iz različitih delova mozga u smisaone celine, povećanom koncentracijom i budnoŔću. Osim u budnom stanju, javljaju se i tokom REM spavanja.

Beta talasi - 14 do 30 Hz

Kada ljudi usmere pažnju na neki spoljni objekat ili intenzivno razmiÅ”ljaju, alfa-talase zamenjuju asinhroni beta-talasi, koji imaju manju amplitudu i veću frekvenciju od preko 14 do 30 Hz. Oni su povezani sa povećanom pažnjom i budnoŔću, a ne sa percepcijom. Na primer, ako otvorimo oči u potpunom mraku i pokuÅ”amo neÅ”to da vidimo, dolazi do generisanja beta-talasa, iako niÅ”ta ne opažamo. Registruju se uglavnom sa temenog i čeonog režnja prilikom njihove aktivnosti.

Afla talasi - 8 do 13 Hz

Najzastupljeniji talasi u budne, opuÅ”tene osobe sa zatvorenim očima su alfa-talasi, frekvencije od 8 do 13 Hz i voltaže od oko 50 mikrovolti. Ovi talasi su povezani sa smanjenim nivoom pažnje i kada se oni generiÅ”u osoba obično opisuje da se oseća opuÅ”teno i srećno, a najčeŔće se registruju sa potiljačnog (okcipitalnog), a zatim sa čeonog (frontalnog) i temenog (parijetalnog) režnja.

Teta talasi- 4 do 7 Hz

Prilikom spavanja se EEG zapis značajno menja. Kako postajemo pospani, smanjuje se amplituda i frekvencija alfa-talasa, a tokom samog spavanja dolazi do generisanja teta (od 4 do 7 Hz) i delta-talasa (manje od 3,5 Hz), koji imaju veću amplitudu i manju frekvenciju. Teta-talasi se registruju u temenom i slepoočnom (temporalnom) režnju kod dece, ali su kod pojedinih odraslih osoba prisutni tokom emocionalnog stresa, posebno razočaranja i frustracije. 

Delta talasi - manje od 3,5 Hz

Delta-talasi često imaju dva do četiri puta veću amplitudu od drugih moždanih talasa, a javljaju se samo u dubokom spavanju i organskim bolestima mozga. Kod novorođenčadi su prisutni i u budnom stanju, ali s vremenom iŔčezavaju. EEG promene tokom spavanja su praćene promenama položaja tela, praga za reagovanje na spoljaÅ”nje draži, lakoćom buđenja i brojem pokreta tela.

Y moždani talasi - manje od 0.5 Hz

Najsporiji moždani talasi uočeni su kod veoma naprednih meditanata. Njihova frekvencija je manja od 0.5 Hz. Oni su osnova za viŔe moždane funkcije.
Zbog sporosti ovih talasa teŔko ih je detektovati i izmeriti tako da se o njima veoma malo zna. Javljaju se u veoma dubokim i naprednim stanjima joge i meditacije, u ekstatičkim stanjima svesti, u duhovnim i vantelesnim mističnim iskustvima.
DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja su pokazala da se ne može predvideti kada će se ti talasi pojaviti.

Ukoliko zelite da iskoristite san za rad na sebi, evo video koji mozete upotrebiti, a sastoji se od afirmacija za privlacenje novca, uspeha i prosperiteta:

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Maska za lice - iskoristite prezreli avokado | Avocado face mask

What you need: - mature avocado - 1 spoon of lemon juice - 1 spoon of yogurt *mix it together and just put on your face for 20 min and then wash it of; no need for any face cream afterwards and the result is even better the next day

Monday, June 7, 2021

The Wedding Dress - Danielle Steel by Danielle Steel - Best online bookstore

The Wedding Dress - Danielle Steel by Danielle Steel - Best online bookstore: Read The Wedding Dress - Danielle Steel by Danielle Steel - Description:

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In Danielle Steel’s epic new novel, the lives of four generations of women in one family span fortune and loss, motherhood, tragedy and victories.
From the glamorous San Francisco social scene of the 1920s, through war and the social changes of the ’60s, to the rise of Silicon Valley today, this extraordinary novel takes us on a family odyssey that is both heartbreaking and inspiring, as each generation faces the challenges of their day.
The Parisian design houses in 1928, the crash of 1929, the losses of war, the drug culture of the 1960s—history holds many surprises, and lives are changed forever. For richer or for poorer, in cramped apartments and grand mansions, the treasured wedding dress made in Paris in 1928 follows each generation into their new lives, and represents different hopes for each of them, as they marry very different men.
From inherited fortunes at the outset to self-made men and women, the wedding dress remains a cherished constant for the women who wear it in each generation and forge a destiny of their own. It is a symbol of their remaining traditions and the bond of family they share in an ever-changing world.

Sarmice od zelja

A Walk Along the Beach - Debbie Macomber by Debbie Macomber - Best online bookstore

A Walk Along the Beach - Debbie Macomber by Debbie Macomber - Best online bookstore: Read A Walk Along the Beach - Debbie Macomber by Debbie Macomber - Description:
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Two sisters must learn from each other’s strengths and trust in the redeeming power of love in a touching new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber.

The Lakey sisters are perfect opposites. After their mother died and their father was lost in grief, Willa had no choice but to raise her sister, Harper, and their brother, Lucas. Then, as an adult, she put her own life on hold to nurse Harper through a terrifying illness. Now that Harper is better and the sisters are living as roommates, Willa has realized her dream of running her own bakery and coffee shop, bringing her special brand of caretaking to the whole Oceanside community.

Harper, on the other hand, is always on the go. Overcoming a terrible illness has given her a new lease on life, and she does not intend to waste it. When Harper announces her plan to summit Mount Rainier, Willa fears she may be pushing herself too far. Harper, for her part, urges Willa to stop worrying and do something outside of her comfort zone—like taking a chance on love with a handsome new customer.  

Sean O’Malley is as charming as he is intriguing—a freelance photographer whose assignments take him to the ends of the earth. Soon Willa’s falling for him in a way that is both exciting and terrifying. But life has taught Willa to hedge her bets, and she wonders whether the potential heartache is worth the risk.  

Life has more challenges in store for them all. But both sisters will discover that even in the darkest moments, family is everything.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Out of the Cave - Chris Hodges by Chris Hodges - Best online bookstore

Out of the Cave - Chris Hodges by Chris Hodges - Best online bookstore: Read Out of the Cave - Chris Hodges by Chris Hodges - Description

Do you feel guilt and shame about negative thoughts and emotions and your inability to overcome them? Bestselling author and pastor Chris Hodges helps those struggling with depression find liberating solutions by drawing from the life of the prophet Elijah.

You might be asking, Should a Christian even be having these struggles?

Depression is the number one health issue in the world today, yet those who suffer are still sometimes stigmatized--especially followers of Jesus. Many assume God's peace, power, and protection should prevent us from ever feeling anxious, depressed, and afraid. But the Bible teaches otherwise, particularly in its depiction of the life of the Old Testament prophet Elijah.

In Out of the Cave, Chris Hodges uses Elijah's life to show us that everyone is susceptible to depression. Even when we're walking closely with God, we can still stumble and get lost in the wilderness of tangled emotions. But we don't have to stay there, because we serve a God who meets us in the darkness. Out of the Cave helps us
remove the stigma of depression and realize we're not alone;understand the ways our temperament and view of God affect the way we handle depression; andlearn a comprehensive approach to wellness—mind, body, and soul—from Elijah's journey.
With his trademark blend of Bible-based wisdom, practical application, and vulnerability in sharing his personal struggles, Hodges explores the causes of depression we can't change, the contributors we can conquer, and offers transformative hope and spiritual power to help us win the battle.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Summary Of

Summary Of "Developing The Leader Within You – By John C. Maxwell", Written By Sapiens Editorial

By Sapiens Editorial


This book is a classic of business literature, managing to gain many sales worldwide. With an entertaining style and easy use of language, John Maxwell presents us the keys to developing leadership skills. It is about making changes in your personal and professional life that will make an impact and promote success.

"Developing the Leader Within You" is a book that everyone should read in order to understand that no one is born a leader, but that leadership is achieved from personal development by focusing on the attributes, skills and abilities that exist within every person.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Extended Summary Of The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: Follow Them And People Will Follow You – Based On The Book By John C. Maxwell - Mentors Library by Mentors Library - Best online bookstore

Extended Summary Of The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: Follow Them And People Will Follow You – Based On The Book By John C. Maxwell - Mentors Library by Mentors Library - Best online bookstore: Read Extended Summary Of The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: Follow Them And People Will Follow You – Based On The Book By John C. Maxwell - Mentors Library by Mentors Library - Description


Extended Summary Of The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: Follow Them And People Will Follow You – Based On The Book By John C. Maxwell

Do work teams fail in your organization?

Do you know what to do to achieve good team integration?

Can you work in a team?

Know these 17 laws and you will achieve success.

About The Original Book

In this book the author presents 17 laws that every leader should keep in mind to form good working teams. These are basic principles especially useful in these times, in which individual work has been minimized and the integration of people is an essential condition for achieving goals.

What Will You Learn?

You will understand that integrating a team is not just gathering people to work together.

You will get to know the process of the 17 laws with which you will improve the functioning of the team that you integrate or lead.

You will get your team to work with that "chemistry" that allows it to coordinate different capacities, abilities and skills to achieve a goal.

If you are a leader, you will feel your effectiveness grow.

You will work happier and more relaxed along with your team.

About Mentors Library

Books are mentors. Books can guide what we do and our lives. Many of us love books while reading them and maybe they will echo with us a few weeks after but 2 years later we can’t remember if we have read it or not. And that’s a shame. We remember that at that time, the book meant a lot to us. Why is it that 2 years later we have forgotten everything? That’s not good.

This summary is taken from the most important themes of the original book.

Most people don’t like books. People just want to know what the book says they have to do. If you trust the source you don’t need the arguments. So much of a book is arguing its points, but often you don’t need the argument if you trust the source you can just get the point.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Soul Detox - Craig Groeschel by Craig Groeschel - Best online bookstore

Soul Detox - Craig Groeschel by Craig Groeschel - Best online bookstore: Read Soul Detox - Craig Groeschel by Craig Groeschel - Description

Soul Detox reveals how to overcome the three forces that work against us daily: toxic influences, toxic emotions, and toxic behaviors.

Every day we are surrounded by secondhand spiritual toxins--influences, emotions, and behaviors--that threaten to stunt our spiritual growth.

When we recognize the toxins that assault us, and discover ways to live in this world without absorbing these toxins into our souls, we can experience the ultimate spiritual intervention.

With a fresh look at the Word of God, vulnerable honesty, and his trademark humor, bestselling author Craig Groeschel unpacks ways to strengthen our spiritual health and our positive influence on others. He will help you to:
Tell yourself the truthOvercome false beliefsNeutralize your angerStop comparing yourself to othersUnlock the chokehold of fearToss out legalismAnd more
More than an insightful look at the negative aspects of our day-to-day culture, this grace-filled guide will challenge you out of complacency and into a life of clean, pure, and focused living based on the freeing standard of God's holiness.

Also available: Spanish edition, video curriculum, and study guide.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Third Pole - Mark Synnott by Mark Synnott - Best online bookstore

The Third Pole - Mark Synnott by Mark Synnott - Best online bookstore: Read The Third Pole - Mark Synnott by Mark Synnott - Description

*One of the 57 Most Anticipated Books Of 2021—Elle 

Shivering, exhausted, gasping for oxygen, beyond doubt . . .

A hundred-year mystery lured veteran climber Mark Synnott into an unlikely expedition up Mount Everest during the spring 2019 season that came to be known as “the Year Everest Broke.” What he found was a gripping human story of impassioned characters from around the globe and a mountain that will consume your soul—and your life—if you let it.
The mystery? On June 8, 1924, George Mallory and Sandy Irvine set out to stand on the roof of the world, where no one had stood before. They were last seen eight hundred feet shy of Everest’s summit still “going strong” for the top. Could they have succeeded decades before Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay? Irvine is believed to have carried a Kodak camera with him to record their attempt, but it, along with his body, had never been found. Did the frozen film in that camera have a photograph of Mallory and Irvine on the summit before they disappeared into the clouds, never to be seen again? Kodak says the film might still be viable. . . .
Mark Synnott made his own ascent up the infamous North Face along with his friend Renan Ozturk, a filmmaker using drones higher than any had previously flown. Readers witness first-hand how Synnott’s quest led him from oxygen-deprivation training to archives and museums in England, to Kathmandu, the Tibetan high plateau, and up the North Face into a massive storm. The infamous traffic jams of climbers at the very summit immediately resulted in tragic deaths. Sherpas revolted. Chinese officials turned on Synnott’s team. An Indian woman miraculously crawled her way to frostbitten survival. Synnott himself went off the safety rope—one slip and no one would have been able to save him—committed to solving the mystery.
Eleven climbers died on Everest that season, all of them mesmerized by an irresistible magic. The Third Pole is a rapidly accelerating ride to the limitless joy and horror of human obsession.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Energy Paradox - Dr. Steven R. Gundry, M.D. by Dr. Steven R. Gundry, M.D. - Best online bookstore

The Energy Paradox - Dr. Steven R. Gundry, M.D. by Dr. Steven R. Gundry, M.D. - Best online bookstore: Read The Energy Paradox - Dr. Steven R. Gundry, M.D. by Dr. Steven R. Gundry, M.D. - Description

The author of the bestselling Plant Paradox series takes a fresh look at one of the top health issues plaguing Americans—fatigue—and offers a revolutionary plan for boosting energy and revitalizing mental and physical stamina.

In his bestselling books, The Plant Paradox and The Longevity Paradox, Dr. Steven R. Gundry offered game-changing perspectives on our wellbeing. In The Energy Paradox, Dr. Gundry expands upon his previous discussions of gut, microbiome, and mitochondrial health, linking immune malfunction to the mental and physical symptoms of fatigue—including exhaustion, brain fog, depression, anxiety, and low metabolism.

As Dr. Gundry explains, feeling tired, moody, and zapped of energy is not normal, no matter your workload or age. Fatigue is an SOS flare from the body, one that is intended to alert us that something is wrong. In his clinical work, Dr. Gundry has found that his patients who complain of feeling sick and tired all the time almost always have something in common: the inflammation markers of a leaky gut.

In The Energy Paradox, Dr. Gundry will offer readers the information and tools necessary to quiet the autoimmune battle raging within—a battle that depletes precious energy reserves, leaving you drained and prone to mood disorders and weight gain. With new guidelines on how to increase mitochondrial energy production and nourish the microbiome; 30 new Plant Paradox-approved recipes; and lists of energy-boosting foods to consume and energy-depleting foods to avoid, The Energy Paradox will help readers take back their lives, giving them the energy they need to feel, look, and be their best. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A Children's Bible: A Novel - Lydia Millet by Lydia Millet - Best online bookstore

A Children's Bible: A Novel - Lydia Millet by Lydia Millet - Best online bookstore: Read A Children's Bible: A Novel - Lydia Millet by Lydia Millet - Description

Finalist for the 2020 National Book Award for Fiction
One of the New York Times' Ten Best Books of the Year
Named one of the best novels of the year by Time, Washington Post, NPR, Chicago Tribune, Esquire, BBC, and many others
National Bestseller

"A blistering little classic." —Ron Charles, Washington Post

A Children’s Bible follows a group of twelve eerily mature children on a forced vacation with their families at a sprawling lakeside mansion. Contemptuous of their parents, the children decide to run away when a destructive storm descends on the summer estate, embarking on a dangerous foray into the apocalyptic chaos outside. Lydia Millet’s prophetic and heartbreaking story of generational divide offers a haunting vision of what awaits us on the far side of Revelation.

The Vanishing Half - Brit Bennett by Brit Bennett - Best online bookstore

The Vanishing Half - Brit Bennett by Brit Bennett - Best online bookstore: Read The Vanishing Half - Brit Bennett by Brit Bennett - Description



“Bennett’s tone and style recalls James Baldwin and Jacqueline Woodson, but it’s especially reminiscent of Toni Morrison’s 1970 debut novel, The Bluest Eye.” —Kiley Reid, Wall Street Journal 

A story of absolute, universal timelessness …For any era, it's an accomplished, affecting novel. For this moment, it's piercing, subtly wending its way toward questions about who we are and who we want to be….” – Entertainment Weekly

From The New York Times-bestselling author of The Mothers, a stunning new novel about twin sisters, inseparable as children, who ultimately choose to live in two very different worlds, one black and one white.
The Vignes twin sisters will always be identical. But after growing up together in a small, southern black community and running away at age sixteen, it's not just the shape of their daily lives that is different as adults, it's everything: their families, their communities, their racial identities. Many years later, one sister lives with her black daughter in the same southern town she once tried to escape. The other secretly passes for white, and her white husband knows nothing of her past. Still, even separated by so many miles and just as many lies, the fates of the twins remain intertwined. What will happen to the next generation, when their own daughters' storylines intersect?

Weaving together multiple strands and generations of this family, from the Deep South to California, from the 1950s to the 1990s, Brit Bennett produces a story that is at once a riveting, emotional family story and a brilliant exploration of the American history of passingLooking well beyond issues of race, The Vanishing Half considers the lasting influence of the past as it shapes a person's decisions, desires, and expectations, and explores some of the multiple reasons and realms in which people sometimes feel pulled to live as something other than their origins.

As with her New York Times-bestselling debut The Mothers, Brit Bennett offers an engrossing page-turner about family and relationships that is immersive and provocative, compassionate and wise.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

You Are a Badass® - Jen Sincero by Jen Sincero - Best online bookstore

You Are a Badass® - Jen Sincero by Jen Sincero - Best online bookstore: Read You Are a Badass® - Jen Sincero by Jen Sincero - Description

Packed with humor, inspiration, and advice, You Are a Badass is the #1 New York Times bestselling self-help book that teaches you how to get better without getting busted.
In this refreshingly entertaining how-to guide, bestselling author and world-traveling success coach, Jen Sincero, serves up twenty-seven bite-sized chapters full of hilariously inspiring stories, sage advice, easy exercises, and the occasional swear word, helping you to:Identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting what you want,Create a life you totally love. And create it NOW, andMake some damn money already. The kind you've never made before.
By the end of You Are a Badass, you'll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can't change, how to change what you don't love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.

Friday, January 29, 2021

The Contagion Myth - Thomas S. Cowan & Sally Fallon Morell by Thomas S. Cowan & Sally Fallon Morell - Best online bookstore

The Contagion Myth - Thomas S. Cowan & Sally Fallon Morell by Thomas S. Cowan & Sally Fallon Morell - Best online bookstore: Read The Contagion Myth - Thomas S. Cowan & Sally Fallon Morell by Thomas S. Cowan & Sally Fallon Morell - Description

For readers of Plague of Corruption, Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell ask the question: are there really such things as "viruses"? Or are electro smog, toxic living conditions, and 5G actually to blame for COVID-19?

The official explanation for today’s COVID-19 pandemic is a “dangerous, infectious virus.” This is the rationale for isolating a large portion of the world’s population in their homes so as to curb its spread.  From face masks to social distancing, from antivirals to vaccines, these measures are predicated on the assumption that tiny viruses can cause serious illness and that such illness is transmissible person-to-person.

It was Louis Pasteur who convinced a skeptical medical community that contagious germs cause disease; his “germ theory” now serves as the official explanation for most illness. However, in his private diaries he states unequivocally that in his entire career he was not once able to transfer disease with a pure culture of bacteria (he obviously wasn’t able to purify viruses at that time). He admitted that the whole effort to prove contagion was a failure, leading to his famous death bed confession that “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.” 

While the incidence and death statistics for COVID-19 may not be reliable, there is no question that many people have taken sick with a strange new disease—with odd symptoms like gasping for air and “fizzing” feelings—and hundreds of thousands have died. Many suspect that the cause is not viral but a kind of pollution unique to the modern age—electromagnetic pollution. Today we are surrounded by a jangle of overlapping and jarring frequencies—from power lines to the fridge to the cell phone. It started with the telegraph and progressed to worldwide electricity, then radar, then satellites that disrupt the ionosphere, then ubiquitous Wi-Fi. The most recent addition to this disturbing racket is fifth generation wireless—5G. In The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including Coronavirus) are Not the Cause of Disease, bestselling authors Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell tackle the true causes of COVID-19.

On September 26, 2019, 5G wireless was turned on in Wuhan, China (and officially launched November 1) with a grid of about ten thousand antennas—more antennas than exist in the whole United States, all concentrated in one city. A spike in cases occurred on February 13, the same week that Wuhan turned on its 5G network for monitoring traffic. Illness has subsequently followed 5G installation in all the major cities in America.

Since the dawn of the human race, medicine men and physicians have wondered about the cause of disease, especially what we call “contagions,” numerous people ill with similar symptoms, all at the same time. Does humankind suffer these outbreaks at the hands of an angry god or evil spirit? A disturbance in the atmosphere, a miasma? Do we catch the illness from others or from some outside influence?
As the restriction of our freedoms continues, more and more people are wondering whether this is true. Could a packet of RNA fragments, which cannot even be defined as a living organism, cause such havoc? Perhaps something else is involved—something that has upset the balance of nature and made us more susceptible to disease? Perhaps there is no “coronavirus” at all; perhaps, as Pasteur said, “the germ is nothing, the terrain is everything.” 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer by Michael A. Singer - Best online bookstore

The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer by Michael A. Singer - Best online bookstore: Read The Untethered Soul - Michael A. Singer by Michael A. Singer - Description
#1 New York Times Bestseller

What would it be like to free yourself from limitations and soar beyond your boundaries? What can you do each day to discover inner peace and serenity? The Untethered Soul offers simple yet profound answers to these questions.

Whether this is your first exploration of inner space, or you’ve devoted your life to the inward journey, this book will transform your relationship with yourself and the world around you. You’ll discover what you can do to put an end to the habitual thoughts and emotions that limit your consciousness. By tapping into traditions of meditation and mindfulness, author and spiritual teacher Michael A. Singer shows how the development of consciousness can enable us all to dwell in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts and memories that keep us from achieving happiness and self-realization.

Copublished with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) TheUntethered Soul begins by walking you through your relationship with your thoughts and emotions, helping you uncover the source and fluctuations of your inner energy. It then delves into what you can do to free yourself from the habitual thoughts, emotions, and energy patterns that limit your consciousness. Finally, with perfect clarity, this book opens the door to a life lived in the freedom of your innermost being.

The Untethered Soul has already touched the lives of more than a million readers, and is available in a special hardcover gift edition with ribbon bookmark—the perfect gift for yourself, a loved one, or anyone who wants a keepsake edition of this remarkable book.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Your Erroneous Zones - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Best online bookstore

Your Erroneous Zones - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Best online bookstore: Read Your Erroneous Zones - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer - Description

The first book by Wayne Dyer, author of the multimillion-copy bestseller Pulling Your Own Strings and national bestsellers There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem and Wisdom of the Ages, a positive and practical guide to breaking free from the trap of negative thinking and enjoying life to the fullest.

If you're plagued by guilt or worry and find yourself unwittingly falling into the same old self-destructive patterns, then you have "erroneous zones" – whole facets of your approach to life that act as barriers to your success and happiness.

Perhaps you believe that you have no control over your feelings and reactions – Dyer shows how you can take charge of yourself and manage how much you will let difficult times and people affect you. Or maybe you spend more time worrying what others think than working on what you want and need – Dyer points the way to true self-reliance. From self-image problems to over-dependence on others, Dyer gives you the tools you need to break free from negative thinking and enjoy life to the fullest.
